Bike&Bus Trieste-Poreč

The Bike&Bus service between the city of Trieste and the city of Parenzo / Poreč is active again also in 2023 (funded by the MIMOSA project Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia Programme). Within June 25th 2023 the Bike&Bus service with be active on Saturdays and Sundays and also on April 24th-25th, May 1st and 29th-30th, June 1st-2nd 2023. The departure from Trieste bus station (Piazza Libertà) is at 9:00 and from Poreč bus station (Ulica Karla Huguesa) is at 18:00. The Bike&Bus can make intermediate stops at Noghere, in via dei Laghetti at the bus stop of Line n. 47 and in Plovanija (HR).


The service is free and can be booked on the MT Viaggi website (


More info: Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Servizi marittimi e soluzioni multimodali sostenibili per il trasporto passeggeri