

Beautiful and cultured, Trieste is the most cosmopolitan city in Italy. You can breathe in the glorious Hapsburg past and in the crossroads of languages, peoples and religions that still characterize it you can easily understand its soul, both Central European and Mediterranean.
Heart of the city is the most beautiful and the most symbolic of its squares, today dedicated to the Unification of Italy. The buildings that overlook it are a perfect synthesis of Trieste’s history. From Piazza UnitĂ  the view opens out over monumental buildings, the Greek Orthodox Church of San Nicolò, on the Grand Canal, the centre of what was once the village wanted by Maria Theresa of Austria and which with its churches bears witness to the happy coexistence of different religions.
In the distance, you can see the white outline of Miramare, the romantic castle of Maximilian and Charlotte of Habsburg.
Trieste is also the city of coffee. A free port for coffee imports since the 18th century, the port of Trieste is still the most important market in the Mediterranean for its traffic. Literary cafes are numerous and beautiful, historical places with retro charm once frequented by great authors such as James Joyce, Italo Svevo, Umberto Saba and still much loved by writers and intellectuals.



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