The Regional Development Centre Koper is the main regional institution in the South Coast and promotes the development of entrepreneurship and economy. It harmonizes local, regional and national interests in the field of economic development, human resources, environmental protection and sustainable development. It prepares regional development strategies and contributes to the creation of Country Strategy Papers. It supports entrepreneurship with economic incentives by managing the Regional Funding Scheme. It provides advice and information to companies. Since 2008 she has been in charge of the regional scholarship scheme. In the field of rural development she manages the Local Action Group for the municipalities of Koper, Izola and Piran. In the field of cross-border and European projects she cooperates with local and regional authorities, national and foreign development and education institutions, thus contributing to the achievement of regional development objectives. The Regional Development Centre Koper operates on the territory of eight municipalities on the southern coast and specifically in three municipalities in Slovenian Istria: the Municipality of Koper, Izola and Piran; in four municipalities in the Karst: Sežana, Divača, Hrpelje-Kozina and Komen; and in Ilirska Bistrica, which is located in the Brkini area. The region is located in the southwestern part of Slovenia and is the only Slovenian region with an outlet to the sea. It borders the Italian Republic in the west and the Republic of Croatia in the east. It has almost 117,000 inhabitants. The main economic activity is tourism: the region accounts for almost a quarter of all tourist overnight stays in Slovenia. Significant is also the activity in the transport sector. The port of Koper connects Central and Eastern European countries with the Mediterranean and the rest of the world.
Contact person
Giuliano Nemarnik, direktor
ulica 15 maja, 19 SI – Slovenija